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Xi Jinping: resolutely strike a good fight against pollution prevention and control

Xinhua news agency, Beijing, May, 19 (reporter Zhao Chao and Dong Jun) the National Conference on ecological environment protection was held in Beijing from 18 to 19. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. He stressed that we should consciously integrate the economic and social development with the construction of ecological civilization, give full play to the political advantages of the party's leadership and the socialist system in China, and make full use of the solid material basis accumulated in the 40 years of reform and opening up, and increase the efforts to promote the construction of ecological civilization and solve the ecological environment problems. We must resolutely crack down on pollution control and promote the construction of ecological civilization in China to a new level.

Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, spoke at the meeting. The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, chairman Wang Yang of the CPPCC National Committee, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wang Huning, the Secretary of the Central Secretariat, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Zhao Leji, the Secretary of the Central Committee for the discipline of discipline, attended the meeting. Han Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, made a concluding speech.

In his speech, Xi Jinping stressed that the construction of ecological civilization is a fundamental plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation always respects nature and loves nature. The Chinese civilization, which has lasted for more than 5000 years, breeds abundant ecological culture. Ecological prosperity is civilized, and ecological decline is the decline of civilization. Since the eighteen Party of the party, we have carried out a series of fundamental, pioneering and long-term work to accelerate the construction of the top design and system system of ecological civilization, strengthen the construction of the rule of law, establish and implement the supervision system of the central environmental protection, vigorously promote green development, and carry out the three major lines of air, water and soil pollution prevention and control. It took the lead in issuing the country plan for the implementation of the 2030 sustainable development agenda in China, and implementing the national climate change plan (2014-2020 years) to promote the historic, turning and global changes of the ecological environment protection.

Xi Jinping pointed out that on the whole, the quality of our ecological environment has been improving continuously, and there has been a steady trend toward good, but the results are not stable. The construction of ecological civilization is in the key period of pressure superposition and heavy load. It has entered a hard period to provide more high-quality ecological products to meet the needs of the growing ecological environment of the people, and also to the window period of the conditions that have the ability to solve the outstanding problems of the ecological environment. China's economy has shifted from high speed growth stage to high quality development stage, and it needs to cross some conventional and unconventional barriers. We must clenched our teeth and climb over the slope to cross the ridge.

Xi Jinping stressed that the ecological environment is a major political issue related to the mission purpose of the party and a major social issue related to people's livelihood. The broad masses of the people eagerly look forward to accelerating the improvement of the quality of the ecological environment. We should actively respond to the people's thoughts, expectations and urgency, vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, provide more quality ecological products, and constantly meet the growing needs of the people.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in the new era, we must adhere to the following principles to promote the construction of ecological civilization. One is to adhere to the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature, adhere to the principle of saving priority, protecting priority and natural recovery, protecting the ecological environment like the protection of the eyes, treating the ecological environment like life, making the beautiful scenery of natural ecology permanent, and natural with tranquility, harmony and beauty. The two is the green mountain, the Jinshan Yinshan Mountain, to carry out the concept of innovation, coordination, green, open and shared, to accelerate the formation of the spatial pattern of saving resources and protecting the environment, the industrial structure, the mode of production and the way of life, and leave the time and space of the natural ecology to rest and rest. Three is a good ecological environment is the most popular well-being of the people, adhere to the ecological benefits, ecological benefits, ecology for the people, focus on solving the serious environmental problems that damage the health of the masses, and constantly meet the growing needs of the people's growing beautiful ecological environment. Four is the landscape forest land lake grass is the life community, should take overall consideration, the overall policy and the multi - measures to carry out the ecological civilization construction in all directions, all regions and the whole process. The five is to use the most strict system to protect the ecological environment with the most strict rule of law, speed up the system innovation, strengthen the implementation of the system, and make the system a rigid and non touchable high pressure line. The six is to conspire the construction of the global ecological civilization, participate in the global environmental governance, form a solution to the world environmental protection and sustainable development, and guide the international cooperation on climate change.

Xi Jinping stressed that we should speed up the construction of ecological civilization system, speed up the establishment and improvement of ecological culture system based on ecological values, the ecological economy system based on industrial ecology and ecological industrialization, and the goal responsibility system with the improvement of the quality of the ecological environment as the core, and the modernization of the governance system and the governance capacity. The system of ecological civilization guaranteed is an ecological security system focusing on the benign cycle of ecosystem and effective prevention and control of environmental risks. We must accelerate the construction of an ecological civilization system and ensure that the goal of beautiful China will be basically achieved by the end of 2035. By the middle of this century, material civilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization, social civilization and ecological civilization have been promoted in an all-round way. The green development mode and way of life have been formed in an all-round way. The harmonious symbiosis between man and nature, the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability in the field of ecological environment have been fully realized, and a beautiful China has been built.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the green development should be promoted in an all-round way. Green development is an inevitable requirement for building a high-quality modern economic system and a fundamental solution to the problem of pollution. The key point is to adjust the economic structure and energy structure, optimize the layout of land space development, adjust the distribution of regional basin industry, cultivate and strengthen the energy saving and environmental protection industry, clean production industry, clean energy industry, promote the comprehensive saving and recycling of resources, realize the circulation link of the production system and the living system, and promote the simplicity and moderation. Green and low-carbon lifestyle, against extravagance and waste and unreasonable consumption.

Xi Jinping stressed that solving the problem of highlighting the ecological environment is a priority area for people's livelihood. It is the most important thing to resolutely win the battle against the blue sky, to improve the air quality obviously as a rigid requirement, to strengthen the joint control of the joint defense, to eliminate the heavy pollution weather, and to the common people, blue sky, white clouds and stars. We should carry out the action plan of water pollution prevention and control, ensure the safety of drinking water, basically eliminate the black and smelly water of the city, and give the people the scene of the shallow water on the Green Bank of the people and the shallow bottom of the fish. We should fully implement the action plan for the prevention and control of soil pollution, highlight the key areas, industries and pollutants, strengthen the control and restoration of soil pollution, prevent the risk effectively, and let the people feel relieved and live in peace. We should continue to carry out rural residential environment improvement actions, create beautiful countryside, and keep the pastoral scenery for the common people.

Xi Jinping pointed out that ecological environment risks should be effectively prevented. Ecological environment security is an important part of national security and an important guarantee for the sustained and healthy development of the economy and society. It is necessary to normalize the risk of ecological environment into normal management, and build the whole process and multi-level risk prevention system. We should speed up the reform of the system of ecological civilization, lay stress on the landing of reform measures that have been promulgated, and formulate new reform plans in time.

Xi Jinping stressed that the level of environmental governance should be improved. We should make full use of market means, improve the price mechanism of resources and environment, adopt various ways to support the cooperation projects of government and social capital, increase the scientific and technological breakthrough of major projects, and carry out countermeasures for the major ecological and environmental problems related to economic and social development. We should implement the national strategy of actively responding to climate change, promote and guide the establishment of a global climate governance system that is fair, reasonable, cooperative and win-win, and highlight the image of the responsible big countries in our country and promote the construction of a community of human destiny.

Xi Jinping stressed that it is a big battle, tough battle and bitter battle to fight well in tackling pollution control and tackling tough battles, and we must strengthen the leadership of the party. All localities and departments should enhance the "Four Consciousnesses", firmly uphold the authority and centralized leadership of the Party Central Committee, and firmly shoulder the political responsibility of building ecological civilization. The local Party committees at all levels and the main leaders of the government are the first responsible persons for the protection of the ecological environment in the administrative region. The relevant departments should fulfill the responsibility of protecting the ecological environment and make the departments responsible and conscientious, the division of labor cooperation and joint effort. It is necessary to establish a scientific and reasonable examination and evaluation system, and the results should be taken as an important basis for rewarding and promoting the use of leading bodies and leading cadres at all levels. For those leading cadres who damage the ecological environment, we must really catch up with them, dare to catch up with them and strictly pursue their responsibilities, so as to achieve lifelong accountability. It is necessary to build an iron army with a strong ecological environment. It has strong politics, high ability, hard work style and courage to bear responsibilities. Party committees and governments at all levels should care for and support the construction of ecological environment protection teams and take the initiative to support cadres who dare to work and do things.

In his speech, Li Keqiang pointed out that we should conscientiously study and carry out the important spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's speech, take Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guidance, build an ecological civilization system, strengthen the construction of the system and the rule of law, and hold the ecological civilization and the protection of the ecological environment with constant efforts. We will resolutely fight against the war of pollution prevention and control. We must seize the key areas in key areas, and highlight the "three major sources of pollution" in industry, coal and motor vehicles, and resolutely win the battle of the blue sky. In depth implementation of the "ten water" and "ten soil", we should strengthen the construction of pollution control facilities and improve the collection and processing capacity of urban sewage. It is targeted to control the pollution of agricultural land. Taking rural garbage, sewage treatment and village appearance as the main direction, and promoting the comprehensive improvement of rural environment, the state's investment in rural areas should be tilted to this aspect. We should promote green development and prevent environmental pollution from the source. We will further push forward the structural reform of supply side, implement the strategy of innovation driven development, and foster new development momentum of new industries, new formats and new models. Using the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies to promote the transformation of traditional industries in an intelligent and clean way. We should speed up the development of energy saving and environmental protection industries, improve the level of clean energy utilization and develop clean energy. We advocate a moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle and promote a virtuous cycle of expanding domestic demand and improving the ecological environment. We should strengthen ecological restoration and build an ecological safety barrier. We should establish a unified space planning system and a coordinated and orderly pattern of land development and protection, strictly abide by the red line of ecological protection, adhere to the overall protection, system restoration, regional overall planning and comprehensive management, and improve the management system and mechanism of natural protection land. We should adhere to the overall consideration, promote the high quality development of the economy and the protection of the high level of the ecological environment, cooperate with the government and the main body of the enterprise, and cooperate to fight the protracted war of pollution prevention and control and the protracted war on the construction of ecological civilization.

Li Keqiang stressed that we must rely on reform and innovation to enhance the ability of environmental governance. We will gradually establish a normal and stable investment mechanism for financial funds, improve the mechanism of multiple environmental protection, and study the structural tax reduction policy which is conducive to green development. We should continue to push forward the reform of decentralization and decentralization, and put more forces into the supervision of things including environmental protection. Seize the key technology and equipment. Strengthen supervision and law enforcement, and substantially increase the cost of environmental offences. Guide the whole society to establish the consciousness of ecological civilization. To ensure the completion of pollution prevention and control and ecological civilization construction objectives and tasks.

In his concluding remarks, Han pointed out that it is necessary to conscientiously study and comprehend Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and earnestly strengthen the sense of responsibility and mission to do a good job in ecological environment protection; a profound grasp of the green mountain is the important concept of the development of the Jinshan Yinshan Mountain, unswervingly taking ecological priority and a new road of green development, and a profound grasp of good ecology. The environment is the aim spirit of the most popular people's well-being, and focus on solving the serious environmental problems that damage the health of the masses. The deep grasp of the lake and grass in the landscape forest field is the systematic thought of the life community, and improves the scientific and effective nature of the ecological environment protection work. All localities and departments should pay close attention to implementation and refine policies and measures so as to ensure landing, operational and effective results. We should strictly carry out the responsibility of the main body and strengthen the supervision of the central environmental protection; adhere to the facts, treat, treat, strengthen and overcome the difficulties, prevent the quick success and close profit, and make the surface article. Handling, strictly enforcing the law, and integrating the duties and ranks of the relevant pollution control and ecological protection law enforcement, and ensuring the true and accurate statistics of all the targets and tasks of the war of attack.

The responsible comrades of the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of ecology and environment, the Hebei, Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces make speeches.

Members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Secretary of the Central Secretariat, the leading comrades of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the state councilor, the president of the Supreme People's court, the chief procurator of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the leading comrades of the CPPCC National People's Political Consultative Conference attended the meeting.

All provinces and municipalities, cities and cities, the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, the relevant departments of the central and state organs, the relevant people's organizations, large state-owned enterprises, and the responsible comrades of the armed forces involved in the meeting.

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